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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Review | Deadpool is Here and It's Amazing

Download Review | Deadpool is Here and It's Amazing

WARNING: SPOILERS/NSFW - DC on SCREEN #111 - Deadpool | Review - Look, we know Deadpool isn't a DC property. It's one of those terrible Fox/Marvel hybrid things. But you know what? We wanted to talk about it. And while we won't be doing a full episode for Civil War or whatever else, we hoped you would forgive us this transgression in honor of the 4th wall that our friend Wade Wilson so commonly breaks! So come, join us on an adventure full of ramblings about R-rated hits and what Warner Bros might do with the belief that a Lobo movie wouldn't be half a bad idea (Ambush Bug would be better--maybe)... Let's talk Colossus! Negasonic Teenage Warhead! Copycat ... er, Vanessa! Weasel! And of course, DEADPOOL!

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