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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Supergirl 1x10 - Childish Things Review

Download Supergirl 1x10 - Childish Things Review

WARNING: SPOILERS/NSFW - So this is one of those episodes we've been waiting for! Toyman escapes from prison, contacts his son Winn, and all manner of crazy poo happens! Winn has to talk to deep cut Batman character Cameron Chase, Winn gets all vulnerable and lets those emotions (and lips) fly! And I don't think there's a reset button on this one, kids! Oh, and Alex and Maxwell Lord have a saucy off-the-books dinner (I hope everyone keeps their paranoia in their pants)... Speaking of ill-advised behavier, are Lucy and James about to work together? Is the show really going to show us the "woman doesn't need her man's permission to work" story again? Kinda. But not totally, thank Rao. Oh, and things are amping up for J'onn and the White Martians! Are you guys as excted as we are? Probably. Right? DC on SCREEN # 089 - Supergirl 1x10 - Childish Things Review

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